Mikael Lohse has served as Chief Specialist and substitute for the Intelligence Ombudsman from 2023. 

Lohse has 25 years' of professional experience in the field of justice, home affairs, defence, and research, both at home and abroad.

Lohse is a Doctor of Laws and he is trained on the bench. Lohse is also an Adjunct Professor of Legal Informatics and Intelligence Studies.

Lohse's recent publications:

Intelligence – an extension of diplomacy? (behind a paywall), Alma Insights, Juridiikan ajankohtaiset

Finnish intelligence overseers' right of access supersedes Originator Control, about:intel, Spotlight 

Use of unlawfully obtained information for intelligence purposes, Edilex, Vierashuone

Thematic audit of intelligence operations (behind a paywall), Turvallisuus & Riskienhallinta